Apps for Security & Compliance

Accelerate your software development with added Security and Compliance

Why Protecting PII is critical?

C – Compliance

Compliance related to MAS TRM Guidelines and cybersecurity standards need PII Protection as a mandate for organisations.

C- Cost

Cost of recovering Customer PII after breach can be as high as USD 150/ record (as per IBM Cost of Data Breach Report 2021).

C- Credibility

Every ‘Customer PII Breach’ in an Organisation, results in considerable Loss of Brand Value. Every Customer PII Breach Episode dents Customer confidence significantly.

Check how your organizations can get ahead of PII leakage

What is covered under PII Protection ?

PII Data that is vulnerable in your Software Development Lifecyle

Email ID


Credit Card Number

Phone Number

Passport Number

NRIC Number

AWS Secret Key

Google Secret Key

Run a PII Security Scan with our Plugins to Protect PII

How do 'DevOpsLabs' Apps for Compliance & Security solve the problem?

Which platforms do we cater to for PII protection?

Run a PII Security Scan with our Plugins to Protect PII

Add an additional layer of protection to repositories in Sonatype Nexus

Repository Protection in your SDLC

Secure your artifact repositories as you accelerate your Software Development Journey

Security challenges

Packages can be downloaded from any client repository with a user ID and password.

Lack of capability to provide access based on 2-factor authentication from both network & user access.

Lack of capability to restrict access from a specific network or sub-net.

Intellectual property divulgence to unintended audience.

Tech stack exposure may lead to opportunities for attackers to understand the environment and target and exploit vulnerabilities.

Add an additional layer of Protection to Repositories in Sonatype Nexus